Understand Your Bill – Bahamas Power and Light Company

Understand Your Bill

BPL has designed your monthly bill to clearly show how much electricity your household used during the given period and how we calculate your total amount due. Click on the fields listed below for a quick description of what those numbers mean.

We encourage you to examine your bill each month to better understand how variations in household activities and weather can affect how much electricity you use.

The actual dates we read your meter: current and previous month.

Indicates the type of customer you are, for example RS = residential, SC = small commercial, LC = large commercial and TS = temporary service.

a) The reading taken from your meter on the current Service Date (1)
b) The previous month’s reading

The difference between the current and the previous readings.

Every meter has a multiplier, which is used to determine the actual amount of power your household used. For most residential customers, the multiplier is “1.”

You are charged based on the number of kilowatt hours (KWH) of electricity your household used: the Meter Advance (4), multiplied by the Multiplier (5).

An amount you are charged regardless of how much electricity you used – think of it as a sort of meter rental fee. For most residential customers, the minimum charge is $3.36, for small commercial customers it is $6.78 and for temporary service, the charge is $7.00.

Applying to residential customers only, this is the rate and total charge for first 800 units of electricity (KWH). In this example, the rate is 0.15 cents per unit.

Also applying only to residential customers, this is the rate and total charge for each unit of electricity (KWH) you use above the first 800. In this example, the rate is 0.1841 cents per unit.

This rate can vary according to the price BPL must pay for the fuel used to generate your electricity. In this example, the fuel charge per unit is .127160 cents, so the total fuel surcharge for 1087 units is $138.22.

Your total charge for the current month: the sum of the minimum charge ($3.00), the First 800 KWH charge, the Over 800 KWH charge and the Fuel Surcharge.

Any additional charges or credits. These can include fees resulting from returned checks or credits due to you as a refund or returned security deposit.

Any amount left unpaid from previous bills.

These are payments you made between the last bill date and the current bill date, as itemised on the left.

The difference between the Past Due Amounts (13) and the Payments During Period (14).

This is the amount you owe for this billing month: the current charges plus or minus the total Past Due Amounts (13) and the Other Adjustments (12).

The date by which you should make full payment on the Total of Current Charges to avoid disconnection of your electricity. Note that this date does not apply to your Total Past Due amount. Past Due charges mean your service may be disconnected at any time.

This gives you an idea of how much electricity you used per day this year compared to last year. It’s your KWH Usage (6) divided by the number of days between two month’s read dates.